Protecting the natural, scenic, and working landscapes in the headwaters of the Winooski, Lamoille, and Black rivers.








Hardwick, Woodbury, Walden, Wolcott, Albany, Greensboro, Craftsbury

  • Connection

    We are a small, volunteer-run organization interested in working with landowners who may be new to land protection. We help owners explore the different ways that they can meet their goals to conserve land they love, often before it is conveyed to new owners or the next generation.

  • Conservation

    Our health and the health of our communities depends upon the health of our environment: the land, water, and air upon which we depend. Landowners with an interest in conservation are often deeply in love with a particular landscape and want to protect it over time, particularly with a change in generations and ownership.

  • Commitment

    The Northern Rivers Land Trust centers its activities around three beautiful watersheds that flow through our seven-town service area. The Black River begins its 30-mile journey in Greensboro and Craftsbury, the 85-mile-long Lamoille reaches as far north as Glover and Stannard, and the 90-mile-long Winooski drains 10% of Vermont’s landmass from its beginnings in Woodbury and Cabot.

 “Fields like this one are incredibly important to conserve not only for this generation but also for future generations. Thank you for conserving important community resources and working landscapes.”

– Andrew Meyer, Hardwick

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